Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Project Management Speaker

It was useful to have our guest speaker. I felt that Rod adequately covered essential project management topics for our purposes. Once you become involved in PM, you realize the infinite minutiae that you need to track and manage. Defining scope is a critical component in order to accurately be able to plan the necessary resources and time to complete the project. Identifying the key stake holders are also required to move forward because you don't want to commit too much time if you not not answering to the right stake holder and find your work is wasted on a non-decision maker. Plan, plan, plan is a key advance activity. The better and more thorough planning stage will ultimately save you because you are most apt to accurately cover the scope with the required time and resources and less likely to make errors. Within that, a very detailed work breakdown hierarchy is essential. Built in review cycles should be incorporated to keep you on track and have major sections of the project approved before moving on to subsequent sections. Thanks for you time, Rod!

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